Voice Submission Requirements
We are always open to submissions from voice talent. Please read the requirements below carefully before submitting. Any submissions received that do not conform to these requirements may be deleted. Please note that by sending your submission, you are agreeing to the publication terms below.
If you would like to read short fiction for our podcast, Indie Sound Bites, please record yourself reading the book of your choice and send us a short (<1min) audio file by email to indiebitesanthology[at]gmail[dot]com using the subject line SUBMISSION: Voice. Please copy and paste this statement into the body of your email: 'I have read and agree to the Terms of Publication on your website'.
Terms of Publication for Voice Talent
If you agree to read short fiction for the Indie SoundBites podcast, you agree to the following terms:
We will give you a piece of written content to read and record. You acknowledge that the content provided is proprietary to its author, and that you will not be entitled to republish it or make any use of it other than for the purposes of your recording, except by using snippets of the finished recording in your portfolio or voice-reel.
You give Indie Bites permission to feature your recording (in original or edited form) in the Indie SoundBites Podcast, and to broadcast it worldwide. We may also use snippets of the recording for marketing and promotional purposes. You cannot revoke these permissions after your recording has been accepted without the written consent of our podcast editor. We do not guarantee that your recording will be used.
You acknowledge that you are not entitled to any compensation or royalties from Indie Sound Bites.
These terms, and any claim in connection with their subject matter, will be governed by the laws of England and Wales and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.