Welcome to this quarter's issue of Indie Bites! It's packed full of seven pieces of exclusive short fiction from talented indie authors on the themes of mermaids & mythology, plus a few great indie book reviews from our review team, and an interview with swashbuckling indie author DN Bryn.

This issue features the following short fiction:
- Bare Bones by Laura Laakso
- Ladies of the Abyss by Alex Rollings
- The Grove of Ex-Maidens by Adie Hart
- Rules for Seafaring Souls by Rebecca Crunden
- Good and Beautiful by Josie Jaffrey
- Something in the Water by Jaq D Hawkins
- Persephone's Daughters by Charlotte L Oakeby
And the following reviews:
- Where the Waters Turn Black by Benedict Patrick, reviewed by Timy of Queen's Book Asylum
- Mandrake Petals and Scattered Feathers by David Greygoose, reviewed by Fayth of Broken Geek Designs
- Beneath Cruel Fathoms by Anela Deen, reviewed by Asha of A Cat, A Book and A Cup of Tea
Get your copy FREE below.
About our featured author

Danny Bryn is a queer, disabled, non-binary speculative fiction author of the liberal Jesus-freak variety. When not writing, they conduct infectious disease surveillance in their hometown of San Diego, where they enjoy basking in the Santa Ana winds, hiking the brush-heavy slopes, and eating too many tacos.
They are the author of the independently published adult fantasy series These Treacherous Tides, which is set in a steampunk-inspired world of merfolk and begins with Our Bloody Pearl. Their next book Once Stolen will be published in July.
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You can purchase print copies from Amazon here. We charge only enough to cover print costs, so there's no profit for us.
Contribute to Indie Bites
If you're an indie author or illustrator who'd like to contribute to one of our upcoming issues, then check out our submissions page here.